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Rum Jumbie 750ml

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Rum Jumbie Liqueur is an exotic blend of aged Caribbean rum with hints of tropical orange, lemon, and passion fruit; accented by delicate spices. Rum Jumbie originates from an old Caribbean recipe that spent many years hidden in the remote caves of a sugar plantation. The recipe was safe there, for the residents feared entering the dark alcoves in belief that celestial spirits or,"Jumbies," were trapped inside. Legend says that these,"Jumbies," were believed to inhabit those who enjoyed rum, hence the name, "Rum Jumbie." These boisterous individuals were famous for dancing to the beat of the conga drums until dawn. Today, Rum Jumbie Liqueur pays homage to Jumbies and conga drummers with its unique sculpted figurine bottle that contains this harmonious tropical spirit.Rum Jumbie is known for a line of flavored rums but have recently launched a rum liqueur, which blends Caribbean rum with hints of tropical orange, lemon, and passion fruit- accented by delicate spices.The bottle is a representation of a 'jumbie' which were celestial spirits trapped inside caves and inhabit individuals who love rum, inspiring them to dance the conga until dawn. (Note the conga drum being played by the bottle man.)
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Country Panama
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